Here’s what we know.

Commercial cleaning products

and some cosmetics are making

our indoor environment hazardous

to the point that we are getting sick

and debilitated at an unconscionable

rate. We are unknowingly doing harm

to ourselves and loved ones daily.

Here are some unsettling examples of what we are living with.


Have you read the label signals?

Danger is the strongest signal word. If a label has the word Danger on it, you could get very sick, be hurt for a long time, go blind or even die. Danger is also used on products that could explode if they get hot.

Warning is less strong than Danger, but it still means that you could get really sick or become seriously hurt. Warning is also used to identify products that can easily catch on fire. Caution shows that the product could hurt you, but it is less harmful than products with a danger or warning signal word.

Cautionis used on products that could bother your skin, make you sick if you breathed the fumes, or really hurt if the product got in your eyes.

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Going Greener can simply mean making

a conscious effort to avert use and interaction with elements and goods that have shown to have harmful effects on life and the planet as we know it. Huge sudden radical changes are seldom

carried forth. We recommend small steps for a more beneficial, sustaining result. The evidence of some harmful effects are well documented and go far beyond theory so plan your transition wisely and carefully look over the information this site and some others provide and

Get Going Greener

When you’re ready to

Get Going Greener

here is the place to start. .

25 years of time tested,

 safe products.


Get Going Greener

When you’re ready to

Get Going Greener

here is the place to start. .

25 years of time tested,

 safe products.



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inviting toxins

into your home!

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